
Monday 16 September 2013

Latest Lemnos Anzac Study Tour Report Released

Senator Anne McEwen and Mr Lee Tarlamis MP lay the wreath at the 2013 Anzac Day service at Portianou Military Cemetery, Lemnos. Photograph: Jim Claven 2013

Following the successful completion of the Committee's second Anzac study tour of Lemnos, the detailed Report of the Tour to the Victorian Parliament has been released.

Along with participating parliamentarians from across Australia, Committee members took part in an extensive tour of the key Anzac sites on Lemnos, Gallipoli, Istanbul and across Greece. These included:
  • the opportunity to take part in Anzac services on Lemnos, the Dawn Service at Anzac Cove, commemorative services at Vevi in northern Greece;
  • visits to Commonwealth War Cemeteries on Lemnos, at Gallipoli, Thessaloniki and Phaleron, near Athens;
  • visits to the Anzac battlefields from April 1941 of Vevi, Platamon, Vale of Tempe, Brallos Pass and Thermopylae; and,
  • visits to a number of the key evacuation sites, including Nafplion. 
The Report can be viewed at the link below:
Parliamentary Study Tour Report 2013

We hope that the Report adds to the growing understanding of Greece's Anzac links and encourages further commemorative visitation to these important sites.

Anzac and other allied war graves, Portianou Military Cemetery, Lemnos. Photograph Jim Claven 2013

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