
Thursday 31 October 2013

Inaugural Fundraiser A Success

The speakers and some of the dignitaries present at our event photographed in front of the statue model designed by Peter Corlett, OAM. Photo LGCC 2013

Thank you to all who joined us for our inaugural fundraiser at the Victorian Parliament.
Many of Melbourne’s Lemnian and wider Greek community were in attendance, as well as many State politicians and councillors.
Ms Eleni Lianidou, Consul General of Greece, with the Hon Ken Smith, MP, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of the Victorian Parliament, and the Hon Bruce Atkinson, MP, President of the Legislative Council of the Victorian Parliament. Photo LGCC 2013
We were honoured with the presence of Ms Eleni Lianidou, Consul General of Greece, the Hon Ted Baillieu, MP, former Premier and Chair of the Victorian Anzac Centenary Committee.
Lee Tarlamis MP opens the event. Photo LGCC 2013
Opening the event, our President Lee Tarlamis MP outlined to the story of Lemnos’ link to Anzac and to Port Philip, the proposed location of our memorial. He also directed people to view our photographic display featuring some of the amazing images from the archive of the Australian War Memorial and modern images from Lemnos reinforcing Lemnos’ Anzac heritage.
The HMS Agamemnon in Mudros Harbour, Lemnos, where the Armistice of Mudros was signed in 1918.
In what was the first commemoration of the Armistice of Mudros, President Lee Tarlamis called on those assembled to hold a minutes silence in honour of its 95th anniversary. The Armistice of Mudros was signed on the British warship HMS Agamemnon on the 30th October 1918 between the Allies and the defeated Ottoman Empire, bringing to an end the war that had begun at Gallipoli in 1915.
Ms Eleni Lianidou, Consul General of Greece, addressed the crowd, saying that she was glad to be present representing the Hellenic Republic, at this gathering which is so important for both Greeks and Australians.She wished us well in our endeavour to erect our new memorial.
The Hon Ted Baillieu addresses the crowd. Photo LGCC 2013
Ted Baillieu talked about the role of the Victorian Centenary Committee, and the importance of making personal connections to our Anzac heritage. He also shared a personal story regarding his grandfather who served at Gallipoli and spent time on Lemnos, luckily avoiding transport from Alexandria aboard the HMT Southland which was torpedoed off Lemnos in 1915.
Mr Derryn Hinch addresses the crowd. Photo LGCC 2013
Derryn Hinch, veteran journalist and broadcaster, talked about his personal interest in our Anzac heritage and how he was moved by visiting Gallipoli and re-counted the famous and generous tribute to the Anzacs by Kemal Ataturk inscribed at Anzac Cove –
“Heroes who shed their blood and lost their lives! You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours. You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well.”
Peter Corlett, OAM, addresses the crowd. Photo LGCC 2013
Peter Corlett, OAM, explained his design concept and his inspiration from Classical Greek sculpture. He explained the components of the memorial to the assembled crowd and encouraged them to inspect the model unveiled at the event.
Below is a close up of the model that was launched, showing the figure of an Australian nurse standing facing the wind, looking out into Mudros Bay for the next hospital ship to arrive, while behind her a sick or injured soldier sits recovering.
Close of the memorial design by Peter Corlett, OAM. Photo LGCC 2013
Cr Amanda Stevens, Mayor of Port Phillip addresses the crowd. Photo LGCC 2013
Cr Amanda Stevens, Mayor of Port Phillip, expressed the Council’s support for the project, re-emphasising the links to the area, and the importance of the three themes of the nurses, the injured soldiers and Lemnos itself embodied in the design.

George Calombaris addresses the crowd. Picture LGCC 2013
Celebrated Melbourne Chef, George Calombaris, spoke to the audience, telling us of his Lemnian links – his grandfather being from Mudros on Lemnos. He also described how Anzac biscuits might have been re-invented by the local villagers with a Greek twist! We’re sure the diggers in 1915 would have loved that.
Professor Bruce Scates (on the right) in conversation at the event. Picture LGCC 2013
Monash University’s Professor Bruce Scates encouraged those in attendance to tell their personal Anzac story as part of the University’s Centenary 100 stories project. Copies of the Universities 100 Stories project booklet can be obtained from the Committee. Dr John Basarin, of the Friends of Gallipoli, addressed the event detailing the Anzac Tour he is organising to Lemnos and Gallipoli in 2015. For more information please contact the Committee or see this weblink - Gallipoli 2015 Tour
Lee Tarlamis, with Marcus Falay and Dr John Basarin of the Friends of Gallipoli. Picture LGCC 2013
A copy of Lee’s address to the event is attached at the following link:
In concluding the meeting we were able to announce donation pledges in excess of $40,000 raised at the event, with a number of other pledges expected to be confirmed soon.
We’d like to especially thank Committee members Christina Despoteri, Ken Volaris, Malama Varvara, Ann Bendouli and Tony Whitfield for their help on the night.
Again, thank you all for your support and looking forward to reaching our fundraising target soon.
Lee Tarlamis, President
Jim Claven, Secretary

Some other great photographs from our event.

Committee Executive Member Ms Malama Varvara, and Ann Bendouli, at the event reception desk. Thanks Malama and Ann. Photo LGCC 2013
Members of the Committee (and a few guests) in front of our memorial model. Photo LGCC 2013
Committee member Christina Despoteri and Secretary Jim Claven. Photo Jim Claven 2013
Peter Corlett, OAM, explains the memorial design to the Hon Bruce Atkinson MP and Derryn Hinch. Photo LGCC 2013
Cr Anita Horvath of the City of Port Phillip, with Committee members Nik Kydas and Peter Volaris. Photo LGCC 2013
Members of the Committee, Steve Kyritsis of the Hellenic RSL and Murray Thompson MP in discussion. Photo LGCC 2013
Members of the Committee Martin Foley, MP and Helen Constas. Photo LGCC 2013
Ian Tresize MP (on the right, who has taken part in an Anzac Tour of Greece in 2013) and Sharon Knight MP. Photo LGCC 2013
The Hon John Pandazopoulos, MP, with Derryn Hinch and another guest. Photo LGCC 2013
Mr Sam Tarlamis senior (from Tsimandria) with his son, our President, Lee Tarlamis, MP. Photo LGCC 2013
Ms Vicky Mastihi and Mr John Cook (John took part in the 2013 Anzac Tour of Greece). Photo LGCC 2013
Committee member Ken Volaris, Jenny Mikakos MP and Eleni Lianidou view the memorial model. Photo LGCC 2013
Peter Corlett, OAM, at right, explains the memorial design to members of the Alfred Hospital Nurses League, Ms Maree Dillon on the left and Ms Rosie Bushnell, centre. Photo LGCC 2013

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