
Monday 4 November 2013

Lee Tarlamis MP promotes our Memorial project on 3XY

President Lee Tarlamis MP addresses our recent fundraiser. Photograph Jim Claven 2013
Earlier this afternoon LGCC President, Lee Tarlamis MP, was interviewed on Melbourne's premier Greek community radio station 3XY Radio Hellas.
Lee was interviewed on the work of the Committee to date, especially our proposal for a new Memorial statue in Melbourne commemorating Lemnos' role in Gallipoli campaign.
He pointed out the range of projects that we have been initiating or supporting both here and on Lemnos, especially the enhancement of Lemnos' Anzac trail.
He pointed out that our story on the role of Lemnos in Australia's Anzac story had received coverage in regional Victoria, such as Ballarat, Bendigo and Shepparton, telling the story of the local Aussie links to Lemnos through the personal stories of our individual Anzacs.
He explained the great work our scupltor, Peter Corlett, OAM, has undertsaken to date in creating a design for the Memorial. Peter is Australia's pre-eminent commemorative scultptor.
He explained that our first fundraiser held at Parliament House last week had been a great success, spreading the story, creating awareness and raising over $40,000 in pledges towards the Memorial.
But much needs to be done to make the statue a reality. Lee explained that we need approximately $220,000 to finance the Memorial and the Committee is currently at work seeking further pledges and donations.
Thanks to Rena and 3XY for helping tell our story.

Memorial Donations
Foundation and Supporting Sponsorships
If you would like to make a donation to the Memorial fund, the following link contains our pledge form - Lemnos Gallipoli Memorial Statue Prospectus and Pledge Form.
 Direct Debit Donations
If you would like to make a small donation to the Memorial fund, you can also deposit directly by direct debit into the Committee's bank account -
Account Name: Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee Inc
Account No: 204299-020 BSB No: 941300
Include your surname in the reference section.

Jim Claven
Secretary LGCC

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