
Wednesday 27 November 2013

Lemnos Gallipoli Committee at Melbourne's Glendi Festival

The Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee recently held a stall at Melbourne-Thessaloniki Glendi festival in Federation Square in central Melbourne. The festival marks the 29th anniversary of the Sister-City relationship between Melbourne and Thessaloniki.
The Committee took the opportunity to tell our story and promote the need to commemorate Greece's link to Anzac. We erected our photographic display that was viewed by many visitors to the Festival.
We also had information regarding Thessaloniki's role in the Anzac story - It is often forgotten that over 450 Australian nurses and soldiers fought in the Salonika campaign in WW1, including famous Australian author and orderly Miles Franklin, Matron Jessie McHardie White from Healesville and Melbourne University trained Doctor Mary de Garis. Lieutenant Ned Herring served on this front - and would return here to defend Greece in 1941. 
Committee Member the Hon John Pandazopoulos MP organised the stall and wrote a letter of congratulation to the Festival organisers that is repropduced below for your information:
Many people visited the stall, many leaflets were distributed, new members recruited and our Memorial badges sold.
Thanks to John Pandazopoulos MP, Lee Tarlamis MP, Jim Claven and Ken Volaris for supporting the stall.

1 comment:

  1. The new pin looks amazing and should even be a good seller around ANZAC Day next year
