
Monday 24 February 2014

Our Lemnos Gallipoli Memorial Statue - Peter Corlett's Model


These are some image of the model of the beautiful memorial statue that we will erect in Port Melbourne during the Centenary Year - 2015.
It key features embody the most endearing aspect of Lemnos' role in the Anzac story - the nurses and the sick and wounded soldiers. Inspired by the many moving images taken on the Island in 1915, our sculptor Peter Corlett, OAM, has created a wonderfull and striking image of healing and care during war.
The statues will rest on a stone plinth or catafalque, which will be adorned with images representing Lemnos - including the names in Greek and English of the villages that became so well-known and welcoming to the Anzacs all those years ago.
In this way, the memorial will represent the links between Lemnos and Anzac - 1915 - 2015.
We hope that there will be a identical sister memorial erected on Lemnos as a companion to our own in port Melbourne - linking Lemnos and Australia.
If you could like to make a contribution to our fundraising campaign or like some more information, please download our donation and information form by clicking here.
We hope you enjoy these images.

Jim Claven
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee

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