
Saturday 19 April 2014

Anzac Commemoration 2014 - Australian Ambassador's Address and Hellenic Navy Photographs

East Mudros Military Cemetery. Photo courtesy of Hellenic Navy, 2014

We have received a copy of the address of Her Excellency, the Ambassodor of Australia to the Helleniuc Republic, Mrs Jenny Blommfield. Her address delviered on Lemnos, at East Mudros Military Cemetery on 7th April 2014 is reproduced below:

Your Eminence Metropolitan of Lemnos and Agios Efstratios, Regional Councillor for Lemnos, Mayor of Lemnos, Excellencies Ambassadors of New Zealand and Canada, Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff, Deputy Chief of Navy of Australia, Mr Bill Sykes, representative of the Government of Victoria, dear veterans, dear teachers, dear students, dear friends

No legacy is more enduring for Australians or defines more who we are as a nation than the ANZAC legend - the Australian and New Zealand soldiers who fought on the Gallipoli peninsula in 1915 in Australia’s first major military campaign.

Today we remember their courage and sacrifice.

 And we honour the sacrifice of all those who have given their lives so that we may live in democracy and freedom.

We are here today to express our gratitude to the people of Lemnos – the main support base for the Gallipoli campaign, a place for Australian hospitals and nurses to offer refuge to the wounded soldiers weary from battle.  Here the ANZACs found the friendship, hospitality and support of the Lemnian people.  For many, Lemnos is their final resting place.

From Lemnos and Gallipoli in 1915 to the Battle of Crete in May 1941 and around the world, Australians and Greeks have fought to uphold our shared values with courage, with self-sacrifice, with mateship and with compassion.

So today, to the people of Lemnos, we express our nation’s deep appreciation.

And to all those - Australians, New Zealanders, Greeks and all our friends – who sacrificed their lives so that we may preserve our way of life, their courage, their selflessness, their compassion, their sense of service and duty, inspire us to live by those ideals.

We are delighted to welcome to Lemnos students from across Victoria who participated in the “Adopt a Digger” program and were awarded the Premier’s “Spirit of ANZAC Prize”, and to hear from them the stories of their “Diggers” resting here in Lemnos.

As you know, in 2015 we mark the Centenary of the Gallipoli campaign, of which Lemnos will be key part.  The centenary is a time to reflect, to bridge any differences and to build on our common bonds.  In this spirit, we welcome the collaboration of artists in the creation of the “Lemnos-Gallipoli Project”, an artistic work highlighting our common legacy which will be presented in all three countries as part of centenary commemorative events.

Dear friends, the enduring legacy of those who have sacrificed their lives is to be brave in the face of adversity, to help one another, to work together so that we may forge a better future for each other, for our nation and for future generations.

Today and forever, they live in our hearts.

Lest we forget. 
The following photographs have been supplied by the Hellenic Navy. To read their article in Greek on the Lemnos Anzac ceremony, click here.

The representatives of the Royal Australian Navy and Hellenic Republic Navy were also able to hold discussions in conjunction with their participation in the Lemnos Anzac service.

Jim Claven
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee

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