
Monday 28 April 2014

New Documentary - Gallipoli From Above: The Untold Story - Lemnos Mentioned

A new documentary was shown last weekend on the ABC. It's called Gallipoli from Above.

The great thing about the documentary is that it mentions and shows Lemnos - the ships in the harbour and the troops practicing their landings in 1915.
The documentary focuses on the landings at Anzac Cove and the intelligence and planning that was undertaken by the Anzacs - exploding the myth that the Anzacs landed on the wrong beach, faced withering fire and sustain large casualties on the beaches.
That's why it is good that despite its focus on the landings, it still mentions and shows Lemnos. Well done.
ABC promo on the documentary:
"Gallipoli from Above: The Untold Story is the true story of how a team of Australian officers used aerial intelligence, emerging technology and innovative tactics to plan the landing at Anzac Cove. Generals William Throsby Bridges and Colonel Brudenell White were charged with the difficult task of landing 20,000 ANZAC troops on a heavily defended and precipitous shoreline. They used an aircraft carrier, a tethered balloon and a squadron of biplanes to gather detailed information on the disposition of the Turkish defenders and developed a plan for the landing that avoided significant casualties. It is now nearly 100 years since the landing and hundreds of books, movies and documentaries have failed to grasp the significance of the ANZAC achievement. Instead, the mythology has clouded the real story of how these two influential Australian officers took control of the landing using every innovation they could muster to safely land their men on Z Beach. Gallipoli from Above: The Untold Story will change forever the way Australians think about Gallipoli"

For the History Channel link with short of the documentary, click here.
To watch the documentary on ABC Iview (until 9th May) click here.
You can purchase the DVD from the ABC Shop On-line, click here.

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