
Thursday 16 October 2014

Lemnian Community of Victoria celebrates 75th anniversary - Well done!

The Lemnos Community of Victoria celebrated its 75th Anniversary at a gala dinner dance at Vogue Ballroom on Saturday 11 October 2014. Over 300 guests attended the evening. Christina Despoteris hosted the evening. Malama Varvara, President welcomed guests and gave a brief history of the organisation. Mr Lee Tarlamis MP gave the key note address.Lee, our President and of Lemnian heritage, spoke at the function, congratulating the Community and on the year ahead, with the coming Centenary of anzac and the recognition of Lemnos' role.
Tasos Galanis (the disc jockey) made sure that there was plenty of "KEFI" during the night. 
All profits went to Thalassaemia Australia. A cheque for $8,010 was presented to Spyro Bombos, President of Thalassaemia Australia on Monday 13 October at the Community's premises at Braeside (Photo below).
The night celebrated the achievements of the Lemnian Community of Victoria in supporting each other and new arrivals in their new land.
Congratulations to Committee, especially Malama Varvara, Anne Bendouli and Christina Despoteris.
The Lemnso Gallipoli Commemorative Committee thanks you for your support of our project to commemorate Lemnos' role in Australia's Anzac story.
We wish you well and hope you have an equally successful next 75 years!
Jim Claven
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee
The Committee of the Lemnian Community of Victoria

The cheque presentation from left, Bill Georgantis, Nikos Zagoudis, Malama Varara (President - Lemnian Community of Victoria), Nikos Kambouris, Christina Despoteris, Spyros Bombos (President - Thalassaemia Australia). Dimitris Dimitriou (Community Educator - Thalassaemia Australia)

Photo Anna Bendouli

Photo Anna Bendouli

Photo Anna Bendouli

Photo Anna Bendouli

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