
Sunday 19 October 2014

Princes Pier First Convoy Commemoration A Success

Our packed stall at Princes Pier today. Photo Jim Claven
Today's commemoration of the departure of the first AIF convoy to leave Princes Pier was a great success.
It was well attend, with hundreds flowing through the marquees, listening to the music, theatre and speeches.
The event featured re-enactments, with actors dressed as nurses, diggers and members of the public from 1914.

The skirl o' the pipes - The Rats of Tobruk pipe band. Photo Jim Claven 2014
The Rats of Tobruk pipe band. Photo Jim Claven 2014
The feature of the event was a formal ceremony at the bandstand near Station Pier, followed by a massed pipe band - The Rats of Tobruk Pipe Band - leading dignitaries on to Princes Pier.The day concluded with a light show commemorating the departure of the Orvieto and the other ships of the first convoy.The followingf two photos were poster by the Hon Ted Baillieu MP and Victorian Anzac Centenary Committee chair:
The event was organised by the Victorian Anzac Centenary Committee and the City of Port Phillip. Well done.
Our display. Photo Jim Claven 2014
The Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee were able to staff a stall at the event. Business was brisque - there was hardly a moment when we were not explaining the Lemnos story, answering queries, hearing the stories of diggers and nurses who served or are buried on Lemnos from their descedents.
Many visitors generously shared their family memories and precious memorabilia with us.
They included the relative of New South Welshman 2nd Lieutenant John Harrison of the 3rd Battalion AIF who lies buried in Portianos Military Ceremony on Lemnos. Other descendents includes those of Sergeant James Reginald Matthews of the 7th Battalion AIF, Private A.G. Laws of the 7th Battalion, Digger N.W.J. Davis and Digger Alfred Ernest McGuire of the 22nd Battalion. All served on Lemnos.
Below is some of the memorabilia shared with us by their families today. Thanks to all who shared it with us and apologies for any errors in our report.
Sergeant Matthews' AIF pay book
Digger Davis enlistment disc.
Message sent to all Allied troop establishments and hospitals informing them of the Gallipoli landings
Many contacts were made and new membership applications received.
What a fantastic day.
Showing off our statue model - Me, with Paul's daughter and Martin Foley MP for Albert Park and supporter. Photo Paul Soug
People were keen to support our projects by buying our posters and books. And we sold out of our famous Lemnos Gallipoli badges!
LGCC stall volunteers with the Hon Ted Baillieu MP. Photo Jim Claven 2014
 LGCC Stall volunteers with Martin Foley MP. Photo Christina Despoteris 2014
The chair of the Victorian Anzac Centenary Committee, the Hon Ted Baillieu, congratulated us on our stall.
We were also visited by Committee members Martin Foley MP, Michael Danby MHR and Lambis Englezos and many others.
Ken Volaris, Lee Tarlamis, Nik Kydas and George Petrou. Photo Jim Claven 2014

On behalf of the Committee, I'd like to thank Lee Tarlamis, MP, Ken Volaris, Nik Kydas, George Petrou and Christina Despoteris for helping us out for the day. Volunteers are the strength of our Committee. Well done.
Christina Despoteris and Ken Volaris with our precious statue maquette. Photo Christina Despoteris 2014
A big thank you to Sandra Khazam at the City of Port Phillip for helping us make our stall a reality.
Below is a facsimile brochure produced for the event - images from the embarkation of the troops from port Melbourne from The Australasian (Melbourne), 21st November 1914.
All photos are my own unless stated otherwise.
Jim Claven
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee



  1. MANY congratulations to one and all but especially Jimako Claven for his leadership. I wish that my health had allowed me to assist.

  2. On a separate point, I recall walking along the pier when I was a Sub Lt, with my darling. There was a US warship there. A young woman came up and said that she was there to protest against nuclear war ships. I advised that the ship that was there was powered by diesel. her response - what's that?
