
Wednesday 18 March 2015

A BigThank You to Executive Committee Member Ms Christina Despoteris

Christina meeting Vice Admiral Theodosiou of the Hellenic Navy to help plan for the Anzac events in April.

The Committee would like to thank Ms Christina Despoteris, Executive Committee member for her excellent efforts in working with authorities in Greece on behalf of the Committee in Greece in recent weeks.
Christina has been laising with Australian Embassy officials in Athens, the Hellenic Navy, the War Museum of Athens and authorities on Lemnos to help with preparations for the commemoration of Anzac in April.
It is no small part due to her efforts that the events to be held on Lemnos and in Athens this year will be the best held in many years.
These include:
  • Major presentations at Portianou on Lemnos and in Athens at the War Museum of Athens to commemorate the Hellenic link to Anzac
  • The display of the Committee's unique photographic display - Lemnos and the Anzacs 1915 - at the Athens War Memorial and at the Portianou Hall on Lemnos - both occurring as part of the Greece and Australia's Anzac commemorations in Greece. With the assistance of Christina, the Committee will gift this 40 photograph as well as information panels permanently to the Athens War Memorial. Similarly, she has worked with Malama Varvara, on behalf of the Lemnian Community of Victoria to make the same gift to the people of Lemnos.
  • Successfully promoting our proposal to re-create the famous Anzac football match of 1915 on Lemnos this year - with the Hellenic Army and Australian Navy taking the field at Kontias to replay this famous Anzac event
All of us in Australia and those of us fortune to be able to travel to Lemnos in April look froward to a great commemoration of Anzac in April.
From all of us on the Committee back in Melbourne, thank you Christina.
Jim Claven
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee

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