
Saturday 2 May 2015

Lemnos Centenary of Anzac - Commemorative Event 5 - Portianou Wreath Laying, Presentation and Gift of Photographic Exhibition

On 20th April, following the wreath laying service at Portianou Military Cemetery, the Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee and Lemnian Community of Victoria conducted a major event at Portianou Cultural Centreas part of the centenary commemorative events on Lemnos.
Firstly,Marlene Varvaras on behalf of the Lemnian Community of Victoria officially presented a plaque to the Lemnian Authorities to accompany the gift of the Lemnos Gallipoli Photographic Exhibition featuring 40 iconic photographs taken on Lemnos in 1915. These were launched in Melbourne earlier this year. The photographs were displayed throughout the hall and will be displayed on Lemnos in an appropriate publicly accessible location. The Photographic Exhibition will be on display at the Portianou Cultural Centre for the duration of the Centenary Events.

Secondly, I delivered a key-note historical address - 'Commemorating Gallipoli's Hellenic Heart - Lemnos 1915' outlining Lemnos' connection with the Anzac's.
This combined event was well attended - with many members of the assembled diplomatic corps present (from Australia, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Canada and New Zealand amongst others), representatives of the military, Lemnos authorities and local Lemnians.
Thanks to the Lemnos authorities for inviting me to make this presentation and for organising this event.

Jim Claven
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee

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