
Saturday 2 May 2015

Lemnos Centenary of Anzac - Commemorative Event 9 - Evening Reception on HMAS Success Mudros bay

Lemnos Centenary events concluded with a great evening reception held aboard HMAS Success moored at the mouth of Mudros Bay - the first Australian warship since 1918. 
Lots of sailors wearing our Lemnos Gallipoli pins. 
It was amazing to be able to view the island from the middle of the bay as the Anzacs did 100 years ago and we were extremely humbled and fortunate to have this opportunity to view the sunset and Mudros as the Anzac's did 100 years ago. It was incredibly moving.
A great time had by all, many of our Committee present - Marlene Varvaras, Christina Despoteris, Terry Paule and his wife, Nik and Sophia KambourisBillandAggie Georgantis, Chris Mingos, Lee Tarlamis, John Pandazopoulos and Peter Volaris. One of the officers shares a link to Newcastle England with John Simpson of Anzac fame. Hopefully the first of an annual event. Let's the Navy comes to every Anzac commemoration on Lemnos!
Photographs courtesy of our President, Lee Tarlamis.

Jim Claven
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee

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