
Friday 23 October 2015

OHI Day 75th Anniversary commemoration in Melbourne and Sydney - Wednesday 28th October 2015

OHI Day commemorates the valiant resistance of Greece to the Italian invasion of 1940 and  the subsequent resistance to the German invasion and occupation of Greece in 1941.

The word OHI meaning "No" were the words shouted by the Greek people in the streets in response to the Greek Government's rejection of the ultimatum of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini on 28th October 1940.  28th October has been celebrated as OHI Day since 1942 and is celebrated throughout Greece, Cyprus and Greek communities across the world. In Australia it is a day to commemorate Greece's resistance to the Axis powers in WW2 as well as the role of the Second Anzacs who came to defend Greece in 1941.
Over 17,000 Australians and nearly 17,000 New Zealanders took part in the campaign in Greece - 172 Australians and 215 New Zealanders are buried at the Commonwealth Military Cemetery in Athens (Phaleron) and a further 140 Australians and 343 New Zealanders at the Commonwealth Military Cemetery on Crete (Suda Bay). Both pictures above show Australian diggers discover the Acropolis during their brief stay in Athens on their way to the front (AWM).
One of these was GunnerJames Zampelis (photo above AWM), a digger of Hellenic background, who was killed during the battle of Crete - the only Hellenic background Anzac to die and be buried in Greece in WW2. Born in Melbourne, James' father was born on the Greek Island of Lefkada. He was buried near where he fell, at the Cretan village of Mournes. After the war his grave could not be located. He is honoured on the memorial to the missing at Phaleron (Photo below - Jim Claven 2013). We remember him on 28th October 2015 along with the other Anzacs who served with him in Greece and Crete in 1941.

An estimated 4-5,500 Allied soldiers who escaped capture were supported by the Greek community throughout the years of the Axis occupation of Greece (1941-44) at great risk to their lives. OHI Day is a special day to honour the Anzacs of the Greek campaign and their Greek comrades and supporters.

Details of the commemorations to be held in Melbourne and Sydney this coming Wednesday 28th October 2015 are set out below.
All interested in commemorating this important day of remembrance are welcome.

OHI Day Commemoration in Melbourne

The RSL Hellenic Sub-Branch have advised that they will be holding OHI Day commemorations in Melbourne on Wednesday 28th October 2015 as follows:

12 noon - Wreath laying at the Australian Hellenic Memorial, Domain Gardens
1.00pm - Wreath laying ceremony at the Shrine of Remembrance

OHI Day Commemoration in Sydney

The following communication has been received from the Sydney-based Joint Committee for the Commemoration of the Battle of Crete & The Greek Campaign in Sydney. If you are able to attend please do so.

Dear Friends and Admirers of the Hellenistic Spirit!

NO ( OHI ) DAY 28th October 2015 - 75th Anniversary

The Consul General of Greece , Dr. Stavros KYRIMIS in conjunction with the Joint Committee for the Commemoration of the Battle of Crete and the Greek Campaign invite you ALL to the Public Flag Raising and Star Ceremony where we will solemnly commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the "NO DAY" where the Axis Powers suffered their first defeat in of World War Two in Greece .

The main theme will include the honouring of the Gallantry and Sacrifice of more than 17,000 ANZACs who served with distinction in the WWII Greek Campaign . Of these 646 ANZACs are buried in Greece of which half of the Anzacs remains have never been found .




Look forward to meeting you,

Kind regards,

Nick Andriotakis BE (Hons)


Joint Committee for the Commemoration of the
Battle of Crete & The Greek Campaign


Jim Claven
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee 

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