
Tuesday 27 October 2015

OHI Day Message from our Vice President

Many know that Greece created democracy, but few know that it also saved it.....
On this the 75th Anniversary of "OHI Day "or "OXI Day", let us reflect on the significance that such a small three letter word as ""ΟXΙ" made to the outcome of World War 11.
The free world watched as one by one countries across Europe surrended to Hitler's Axis forces. At 3.00 am on October 28, 1940, the Italian Ambassador (Emanuele Grazzi) arrived at the Greek Prime Minister's (Ioannis Metaxas) residence in Kifisia (northern suburb of Athens) and demanded Greece's surrender. The Prime Minister replied "Alors c'est la guerre" - "Well, that means we are at war". This was later interpreted by the Greek people as a resound "ΟXΙ".
This was one of the most consequential "David vs Goliath" victories for freedom and democracy in the modern world and, at the time, an act that inspired and gave hope to the free world. Yet over time, this story of Greece's victory has become forgotten.
Each year Greeks around the globe celebrate this significant day with parades, wreath laying ceremonies and other commemorations.

The Washington OXI Day Foundation 

Just as the Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee has been active in promoting Lemnos' connection to Anzac, one group which has been very active in promoting this important date in modern history has been the "Washington "ΟΧΙ Day" Foundation" (the Foundation). A group which was foundered a few years ago by Andy Manatos, a Greek American who has worked for several US Administrations. This Foundation's events and ongoing activities have resurrected the incredible Oxi Day story and assured it becomes part of the collective public memory. Through participation in their ceremonies and their nomination for prospective winners of various Oxi Day Awards, hundreds of national policymakers and opinion leaders with a national audience learn of modern Greece's heroic feat. Please see links below for more information.

One of the major projects which the Foundation organises is the "Philotimo Scholarship Competition".
"Philotimo" a Greek word meaning - "friend and honour" or a combination of any of the following words - pride, integrity, friendship, fellowship, kindness, courage, compassion, caring, honour, trust and .........many more. You are not a true Greek if you haven't got "filotimo".

Some quotes about the Greeks:
"If there had not been the virtue and courage of the Greeks, we do not know which the outcome of World War 11 would have been." Winston Churchill
"When the entire world had lost all hope, the Greek people dared to question the invincibility of the German monster raising against it the proud spirit of freedom." Franklin Roosevelt
"Historical justice forces me to admit, that all the enemies that stand against us, the Greek soldier, above all, fought with the most courage." Adolf Hitler
"Hence we will not say that Greeks fight like heroes, but that heroes fight like Greeks."  Winston Churchill
Chronia Pola and Happy "ΟΧΙ Day" to all.

Christina Despoteris
Vice President
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee

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