Help us promote Lemnos' link to Anzac - Make a donation now

Our Committee is raising funds to create a lasting legacy telling the story of Lemnos' link to Gallipoli and Australia's Anzac story. Our projects include the Lemnos Gallipoli Memorial in Albert Park, the publication of a major new historical and pictorial publication and more. To make a donation you can also deposit directly by direct debit into the Committee's bank account: Account Name: Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee Inc; Bank: Bendigo Bank; Account No: 188010037; BSB No: 633000; Include your surname in the reference section. For further information on our legacy projects or to make a donation please contact either Lee Tarlamis 0411553009 or Jim Claven 0409402388M

Friday 6 September 2024

Anzac The Greek Chapter - Premiere Screenings Announced for Melbourne and Sydney GFF


Great news that the long awaited public premiere of our Committee's latest project - the documentary Anzac The Greek Chapter - have been announced and bookings are now being taken.

This important new documentary created for the Committee by filmmakers Dr Peter Ewer and John Irwin features the Greek campaign veterans themselves re-telling their experiences of the campaign in 1941. For more information on the background and details of the documentary, click here.

The screenings will take place in Melbourne and Sydney as part of this year's Greek Film Festival in October. The screening in Melbourne will take place at 8.30pm on 17 October 2024 and in Sydney at 2.30pm on 19 October 2024

Each of these screenings will include a special Q&A session where well-known journalist (and Greek campaign veteran's son) Barrie Cassidy - the narrator of the documentary - will interview filmmaker and historian Dr Peter Ewer. Historian Jim Claven OAM - the Associate Producer of the documentary - will also take part in the Melbourne Q&A. 

There will be an additional screening in Melbourne at 4.30pm on 27 October. 2024.

Read an article on the coming Greek Film Festival which highlights our documentary by clicking here.

Tickets are free - but please consider making a donation

The tickets are free - the screenings being underwritten by the Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee - however all attendees are encouraged to make a donation to the Committee when they book their ticket. This will contribute to the cost of the screening and allow the Committee to continue its important commemorative work.

Book Your Tickets Here

To book your ticket for the Melbourne screenings, please click here.

To book your ticket for the Sydney screening, please click here.

The Committee would like to place on record their appreciation for all the support from the Greek Film Festival organisers - the Greek Community of Melbourne & Victorian and the Greek Festival of Sydney. Without their support these public screenings would not have been possible. Special thanks to Jorge, Heidi, Antonia, Nia and Chryssa, 

Jim Claven OAM - Secretary Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee