Photo Kostas Deves 2016 |
Last Saturday, on a brisk but sunny August day, we commemorated the role of Lemnos in the Gallipoli Campaign with a formal commemorative service conducted at our Lemnos Gallipoli Memorial in Melbourne's Albert Park.
This is the first event held at our Memorial since its unveiling last year, on the centenary of the arrival of Australia's nurses on Lemnos on 8th August 1915. Last Saturday - 13th August - is the first of what will be an annual commemoration.
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Over 100 hundred people were in attendance, including members of Melbourne's Greek community, the nursing fraternity, returned service league and school students and descendants of Anzac's who served on Lemnos in 1915. Our Vice President, Ms Christina Despoteris, was Master of Ceremonies for the event. As Chair of our Committee Commemorative Service Sub-Committee, Christina had led the organising of this years event. As people arrived, they were given a copy of our commemorative event Order of Service booklet. You can download a copy of this booklet by clicking
here. .
Photo Peter Ford |
The event commenced with the playing of bagpipes by our piper, Mr Steve Campbell-Wright (pictured above). As with our unveiling, this was in recognition of the welcome received by the Australia nurses on 8th August 1915 as they arrived on Lemnos' shores, as the 3rd Australian General Hospital's Warrant Officer Archibald Monk - a migrant from the Western Isles of Scotland - played the pipes for the nurses.
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
We were also privileged to again have Faye Threlfall and Creswick Light Horse Troop re-enactment group (pictured above) with us as a symbol of the nurses and soldiers who came to Lemnos in 1915. It was especially touching to have two young children dressed up - a sailor and a nurse - very touching.
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
The formal proceedings commenced with the mounting of the catafalque party (pictured above), Army cadets organized by Mr Terry Kanellos of the Hellenic RSL.
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Father Chris Dimolianis (pictured top above) from Saint Efstathios Greek Orthodox Church South Melbourne read a Greek Orthodox prayer, followed by the reading of a prayer by Ms Ava Thornley, School Captain, Albert Park Secondary College (pictured above).
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
The first dignitary to address the assembly was Cr Bernadene Voss, Mayor of Port Phillip (pictured above). Bernadene has been a long time supporter of our efforts and the erection of the Memorial. In her address, she made reference to the fact that all those years ago, the nurses and soldiers who went to Lemnos and Gallipoli departed from nearby Princes Pier.
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Our President, Lee Tarlamis (pictured above), welcomed the attendees and spoke of the long journey that we have traveled to build awareness of the role of Lemnos. He re-counted the pleasure it was to work with commemorative sculptor Peter Corlett, OAM, and to see him turn our vision into a reality. He talked of our on-going work - including our proposal to re-name Foote Street reserve as Lemnos Square and the publication of our major new photographic and historical book telling the story of Lemmos and Gallipoli in words and pictures. And Lee thanked all those who have supported our work. He announced that this was the first of many commemorative services at the Lemnos Gallipoli Memorial. The following is an extract from Lee's address:
“…I would like to welcome all of you to the inaugural annual commemorative service at the Lemnos Gallipoli Memorial, Foote Street Albert Park. This is the first of our annual wreath-laying commemorative services. It is 12 months since we began our journey to erect this lasting memorial to the role of Lemnos in the Gallipoli campaign of 1915. The brochure explains the background to the Memorial and sets out the Order of Service for the commemoration. Photographs reproduced are from the collections held by the Australian War Memorial, the State Library of NSW and the private collections of former Nurses Mary McIlroy and Evelyn Hutt. I would like to thank our Secretary, Mr Jim Claven, for preparing our event booklet, and our Vice-President, Ms Christina Despoteris, for organising this year’s commemoration, and all the other members of the Committee who volunteered their time and efforts. Thank you to all who participated in and attended this Commemorative Service to honour those who served on Lemnos, those who remain in its war graves and the local Hellenic population who assisted them.”
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
The Hon Gavin Jennings, MP, (pictured above) representing the Victorian Government, then spoke of the importance of remembrance and making this tangible in the creation of the Memorial. He reflected on the ages of the cadets in our catafalque party, many of whom would be of the same young age as those who began to depart Australia aboard the Anzac transport ships over 100 years ago. He thanked Lee and the Committee for its work in creating the Memorial.
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Christina introduced our keynote speaker for this year’s event - The Hon Ted Baillieu (pictured above), former Premier of Victoria and Chair of the Victorian Anzac Centenary Committee.
Mr Baillieu has been a strong supporter of our efforts - speaking at our first fundraiser held at Parliament House all those years ago.
Ted recounted his personal family connection to Gallipoli and Lemnos. His address talked of the key components of commemorations - the recounting of stories and the connections with place. In his moving address, he said that all the stories we tell of those who served in WW1, of their lives and struggles, become part of conversation that exists as we remember and tell them.
But one of the things that Ted stressed was the importance of making the tangible connections with place. He spoke of one street in Albert Park, from which many residents departed as diggers or nurses for war. He addressed himself to the school students present at the commemoration and asked them to think of who may have lived in their house, in their street, all those years ago and who may have left for war or may have fare-welled a loved one, maybe never to see them again. These are the components of commemoration. Ted's address was heartfelt and well received.
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Mr Murray Thompson, MP (pictured above) and a supporter of our Committee, made an address on behalf of the Victorian Parliamentary Opposition. He spoke of the importance of memorials, the need to build awareness of the Hellenic link to Anzac and reflected on his own family connection to Lemnos.
Ms Bronwyn Halfpenny MP (left), Cr Jim Grivakostopoulos,Mr Iakovos Garivaldos and Ms Marlene Varvara. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Also present was Ms Bronwyn Halfpenny, MP, who has visited Lemnos and many of the Anzac sites in Greece as part of a tour which Jim Claven led in 2013. She is a strong supporter of our work.
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Christina (pictured above) then read letters received from the authorities on Lemnos and the northern Aegean. Mr Dimitrios Marinakos, Mayor of Lemnos, sent the following message to the event:
"Thank you for your invitation to attend the 1st Anniversary of the unveiling of the Lemnos Gallipoli Memorial. Unfortunately I am not able to be in Melbourne on that date. I congratulate the Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee for its initiative to erect a monument symbolising the important relationship between Lemnos and the Anzac's by honouring the soldiers and nurses that served in the Gallipoli Campaign. This bronze statue in the City of Port Phillip is a constant reminder of our common history and an eternal honour for these people. Lemnos is also making efforts in order to keep this memory alive staging events and highlighting points on interest in relation to the Anzacs.
We invite all Australians to visit Lemnos and see these historical places and explore the island just as the Anzac's did."
A copy of his letter can be viewed by following the link
Christina read out the communication in the Greek language from Mr Evangelos Giarmadouros Sub-Prefect of Lemnos, North Aegean Region. This can be viewed by following the link
Mr Jonathan and Ms Julie Rossi, on behalf of the Pammessinian Brotherhood "Papaflessas". Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Christina then invited those attending to lay a wreath in honour of Lemnos' role in the Gallipoli campaign. Photos of the wreath laying are reproduced below. Wreaths were laid by the following organisations:
- Mr Lee Tarlamis, President, Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee
- Cr Bernadene Voss Mayor of the City of Port Phillip, on behalf of the City of Port Phillip
- The Hon Gavin Jennings MP Member for South Eastern Metropolitan Region Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council Special Minister of State, Representing the Victorian Government
- The Hon Ted Baillieu, Chair of the Victorian Anzac Centenary Committee and former Premier of Victoria
- Lieutenant Commander Cassandra Mohapp, on behalf of Captain Stephen Bowater OAM, RAN, Commanding Officer HMAS Cerberus and Senior Naval Officer Victoria
- Major Terry Kanellos, on behalf of the Hellenic RSL
- Mr Nick Kydas, on behalf of the Pan Lemnian Association of Australia
- Colonel Jan McCarthy, President, on behalf of the Returned Nurses RSL Sub-Branch
- Ms Arlene Bennet,t on behalf of the Nurses Memorial Centre
- Ms Malama Varvaras on behalf of the Lemnian Association of Victoria
- Mr Iakovos Garivaldis OAM on behalf of the Thessaloniki Association “The White Tower”
- Mr Mchael Houdalakis, President, on behalf of the Cretan Federation of Australia and New Zealand
- Mr John Nikolakakis, on behalf of the Cretan Brotherhood of Melbourne and Victoria and the Pancretan Association of Melbourne
- Cr Jim Grivokostopoulos, President, on behalf of the Pantrifilian Association of Melbourne and Victoria
- Mr Jonathan and Ms Julie Rossi, on behalf of the Pammessinian Brotherhood "Papaflessas"
- Mr Peter Andrinopoulos, Public Affairs Officer, on behalf of The Society of Kalamata "23 March"
- Mr Kostas Tseprailidis, President, on behalf of Pontiaki Estia
- Ms Litsa Athanasiadis, President, on behalf of Merimna Pontian Ladies of Oceania
- Ms Mary and Mr Steve Tsaganas,on behalf of Pallaconian Brotherhood of Melbourne "Leonidas"
- Mr Nickolas Krikelis, on behalf of the George Devine Treloar Memorial Committee
- School Captains Ms Ava Thornley and Mr Campbell Rider and Vice Captain Ms Erika Palomares from Albert Park College
- Ms Sophia Thomson and Mr William Athanasakis Students from Oakleigh Grammar
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
The Ode was read by Committee member, Mr Ange Kenos (pictured above), who is also President of the Essendon RSL. During the playing of the Last Post, myself and Committee member, Mr Chris Mingos, lowered and raised the Australian and Greek flags.
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Under the direction of Oakleigh Grammar Teacher Anastasia Spanos, students from Oakleigh Grammar (pictured above) sang the Greek and Australian national anthems.
A short video of the event has been posted by Mr Iakovos Garivaldis, OAM, of the Thessaloniki Association "The White Tower". Thanks to Iakovos for preparing this video for us.You can view this video by clicking
If you would like to read and download our Press Release on the event, please click
here. .
Copies of the media reports in the Greek language can be read by clicking
here for
Neos Kosmos and
here for
Ta Nea. A big thank you to both national Greek community newspapers for covering our event.
Below are more photos from the commemorative event.
Father Chris Dimolianis, Lee Tarlamis, Nick Kydas along with Eleni and Michael Ciprian. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
On behalf of the Committee, Lee and myself thank all those who attended our event and all those who helped us with its organisation. In particular we would like to thank the Hon Ted Baillieu for his address, Cr Bernadene Voss, the Hon Gavin Jennings MP and Murray Thompson MP. We would also like to thank our piper Mr Steve Campbell-Wright, Faye Threlfall and the Creswick Light Horse Troop re-enactment group as well as Eleni and Michael Ciprian representing the Lemnian Community of Victoria in traditional dress.
Oakleigh Grammar students at the Memorial. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
And also a special thank you to the students from Oakleigh Grammar and Albert Park Secondary College. Thanks to Mr Steve Cook, Principal Albert Park Secondary College and to Ms Anastasia Spanos from Oakleigh Grammar for assisting their students and for attending.
Members of our Committee at the Memorial with the Hon Ted Baillieu. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Lee and myself would like to thank all members of our Committee who volunteered their time to assist with the commemorative service, especially all members of our Commemorative Service Sub-Committee - Ms Christina Despoteris (Chair), Ange Kenos, Terry Kanellos, Nick Kydas, Deb Stewart, Arlene Bennett - and Committee member Chris Mingos.
We would especially thank Christina who chaired the Committee and organized the invitations and publicity for the event. Well done.
Thank you to Graeme Watson and the Electrical Trades Union for the use of the public address system for the event - and for their support for Memorial.
Our President provides the following message in conclusion:
"On behalf of the Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee I would like to thank all those who participated in and attended the first anniversary and first annual commemorative event for the Lemnos Gallipoli Memorial on Saturday at Albert Park.
This Memorial displays the richness of the Hellenic connection to Anzac and is a permanent legacy of those diggers and nurses who served on Lemnos in 1915 and of the enduring relationship established between Australia and Greece so long ago.
It was an honour to have so many people attend this commemorative event to pay tribute to those soldiers, nurses and local Lemnians who lives were so dramatically affected by war over 100 years ago.
It was especially heartening to see so many young participants in this service as part of the catafalque party, in traditional Lemnian, nursing and military attire, school captains from Albert Park College and of course the Oakleigh Grammar choir.
This was the first of many more commemorative events at this Memorial and I sincerely thank everyone for there assistance, participation and attendance in making this event the success that it was."
Jim Claven
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee
The Hon Ted Baillieu talks to students from Oakleigh Grammar. Photo Kostas Deves 2016 |
The Hon Gavin Jennings MP talks to students from Oakleigh Grammar. Photo Kostas Deves 2016 |
Photo Kostas Deves 2016 |
Photo Kostas Deves 2016 |
Photo Kostas Deves 2016 |
Photo Kostas Deves 2016 | | |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Cr Bernadine Voss lays her wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
The Hon Gavin Jennings lays his wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
The Hon Ted Baillieu lays his wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Lee Tarlamis lays his wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Murray Thompson MP lays his wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Commander Cassandra Mohapp, RAN, lays her wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Terry Kanellos lays his wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Nick Kydas lays his wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Jan McCarthy lays her wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Arlene Bennett lays her wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Marlene Varvara lays her wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Iakovos Garivaldis lays his wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Michael Houdalakis and John Nikolakakis lay their wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Cr Jim Grivokostopoulos slays his wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016
Peter Andrinopoulos lays his wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Tseprailidis lays his wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Athanasiadis lays her wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Steve and Mary Tsaganis lay their wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Krikelis lays his wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Captains Ms Ava Thornley and Mr Campbell Rider from
Albert Park College lay their wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Ms Sophia
Thomson and Mr William Athanasakis Students from Oakleigh Grammar lay their wreath. Photo Peter Ford 2016 | |
Michael Houdalakis, Jim Claven and Historian Peter Ewer. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Commander Cassandra Mohapp, RAN, with Major
Terry Kanellos. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Eleni Ciprian with Steve and Mary Tsaganas. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photographer Peter Ford with Ange Kenos. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
The Hon Ted Baillieu with Jonathan Rossi. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Chris Dimolianis with Lee Tarlamis. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
The Hon Ted Baillieu and lee Tarlamis with Oakleigh Grammar students. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Sculptor Peter Corlett OAM, with the Hon Gavin Jennings MP and members of the Committee. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Lee Tarlamis, Christina Despoteris, Jim Claven with piper Steve Campbell-Wright. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Eleni Ciprian. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Marlene Varvara and members of the Lemnian Community of Victoria. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
The Hon Ted Baillieu with members of the Committee. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Steve and Susan Campbell-Wright. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Researcher and Photographer Paul Sougleris. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Christina Despoteris. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Cr Bernadine Voss, Mayor of the City of Port Phillip. Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Peter Ford 2016 |
Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Christina Despoteris with Murray Thompson MP. Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Steve Campbell-Wright, Gavin Jennings MP, Peter Corlett OAM and Susan Campbell-Wright. Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Ange Kenos with members of Melbourne's Peloponnese-Australian community. Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Photographer Arthur Bregiannis and Cr Jim Grivokostopoulos. Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Ange Kenos. Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Christina Despoteris. Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
The Hon Ted Baillieu and Lee Tarlamis. Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Vicki Kyritsis and Jim Claven. Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Photo Jim Claven 2016 |
Former Veterans Affairs Minister, the Hon Alan Griffin MHR, with Lee Tarlamis. Photo Jim Claven 2016 |