The Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee was formed in Melbourne 2011 and was formally incorporated in 2012.
The Committee consists of representatives of the Melbourne Greek and Lemnian communities, Hellenic RSL, Members of Parliament, historians, members of the nursing profession, descendants of Anzac soldiers and nurses who served on Lemnos and other interested individuals.
Col (Ret.) Jan McCarthy ARRC and Mr Lambis Englezos AM are our Patrons.
Current members of our elected Committee Executive are:
President - Mr Lee Tarlamis OAM MP JP
Vice President - Ms Christina Despoteris OAM
Secretary - Mr Jim Claven OAM
Treasurer - Ms Arlene Bennett
Other Executive Members: Mr Terry Kanelos OAM, Ms Vicki Kyritsis, Mr Malcolm McDonald JP, Mr Paul Sougleris and Ms Deb Stewart
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee Executive Members, members and supporters at the studio of Peter Corlett OA, creator of our Lemnos Gallipoli Memorial, February 2015. Photo courtesy of Peter Corlett 2015. |
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee Executive Members, members and supporters at the unveiling
of the new Nurses Memorial at Lemnos' Portianos Military Cemetery,
April 1951. Photo Jim Claven 2015 |
Lemnos Gallipoli Commemorative Committee Executive Members, members and many supporters at the unveiling
of our Lemnos Gallipoli Memorial at Albert Park, Melbourne, 8 August 2015. Photo Anthony Leong 2015
of the Lemnos Gallipoli Committee, with the Australian Ambassador to
Greece, the Deputy Governor of Lemnos, Anzac Day ceremony at East Mudros
Commonwealth Military Cemetery, April 2012. Photograph Jim Claven